Dec 21, 2009

January Class Full!

I'm so excited about my first "Coffee, Tea, and Paint Therapy" class being filled!  Thank you to all who have signed up!  We're going to have so much fun!  I've opened up the February class for sign ups for those of you who missed the January one. (See the sign up through PayPal over to the right).  I'll get busy figuring out what we're going to paint in February.  Should be something about love I would think...chocolate and roses come to mind, maybe some champagne glasses...hmmm.  Send me a photo if you have an idea!

Wow, I can't believe Christmas is 4 days away.  I still need to make sure I have everything and figure out what to cook for us here.  My Murrah family will be in Nashville Christmas Eve so I'm headed up there to visit and cook (and paint a little with my Sister-in-law Lissa).  Gotta have Mama's cornbread dressing, sweet potatoes, green beans, fruit salad, Mrs. Smiths rolls, sweet tea and hopefully Lissa's coconut cake...yeah!  Add a few more pounds.   Bill is so busy managing the Athens Railroad Bazaar I have hardly seen him this week. Go by and see him if you get a minute and pick up a guitar or two : ) Looking forward to a little time Christmas Eve and Christmas Day to celebrate with our daughter. We started a little early with our trip to Denver for her Dec. 2nd birthday.


We had a great night at the Red Caboose Saturday night.  Thanks to all who came and celebrated the season with Sister Grace !  Our next event will be in February at the Guntersville State Lodge with a group from Vestavia Hills UMC in Birmingham so we're looking forward to working on some new songs to share with them.  We may even play our own instruments again.  Let us know if you would like us to come and sing at your church service or if you're planning a ladies retreat in the spring. We'd love to share our ministry with you.

Wishing you all a cozy Christmas and rich blessings in the year ahead!

P.S. (A day at home today with no one to talk to so I'm a little verbose, sorry!) Here's the latest artwork...tried out charcoal drawing again.  That's fun too but I do love my oils! This was a commission for a sweet friend, Charlotte at work.  The photo this was taken from was very special to her....

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