Showing posts with label hall of fame. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hall of fame. Show all posts

Mar 6, 2010

Who would have thought....

When I was about 5 years old I discovered this picture of my entire family other than me.  I remember Mama was at the kitchen counter, probably rolling out the dough for some of those daily home made biscuits we grew up on. I can clearly remember standing there just barely tall enough to see over the kitchen table and staring at that picture for a long time.  Then, the moment I became so upset at not being in that picture and ripped it in half.  My mother couldn't believe that little temper (which would later get me into lots of trouble). I guess I hadn't figured out yet that when the picture was made that family of brothers didn't know they were going to have a little sister come along.  Well, who would have believed it would wind up blown up on a huge screen at the Country Music Hall of Fame in Nashville today when my brother, Roger Murrah, was honored in an interview as a legendary songwriter in the Hall of Fame's "Poet and Prophet" series.  I went through lots of emotions and memories listening to the words of his songs and to him talk about his life, his songs and the journey that brought him to this well deserved place of honor.  I'm very proud of my brother.  Songwriting and the success he's had is not something that happens over night.  He's spent countless hours honing the art and craft of writing and struggled through many years to see that dream come true.  He's been a huge influence in my life and I'm so thankful to have shared an ounce or two of the success he's had and to have been a part of that history he talked about today.  Way to go bro!  Keep a-kickin'!