Feb 6, 2007

In the studio tomorrow!

SISTER GRACE (check out our blog at www.sistergrace.blogspot.com) will be recording with some of those famous musicians from Muscle Shoals at Ducktape Studio in Decatur, AL with Johnny Sandlin producing. (Check out Johnny's bio @ http://www.johnnysandlin.com ) ....We start laying down rhythm tracks on four original songs tomorrow! We decided to jump off this cliff and see how it goes...faith! It's going to be fun! More later 'bout that! Our first 4 songs are "Love Flows Free", "All Day", "Home Again", and "Your Love Never Fails". I'll keep you posted!

1 comment:

Carole Foret said...

Yayyyyyy!!! I can't wait! This is such a leap of faith for sure, but with God leaping with us, how can we go wrong?? How blessed we are to have these awesome musicians right at our doorstep. I am so proud, Tina, to be a part of seeing your dream come to life. Thank you for this opportunity....See you in the studio later, Girl!