Jul 7, 2007

Top of the Mountain

It's a lucky day today, 7/7/07 and today we're at the peak of our mountaintop with our recording project. Today is the last session. This is a life long dream of mine to record but, more than that, it's the beginning of a new day for Sister Grace. Our wish is to spread some seeds for God's kingdom and this cd is only a tool for that work. At the top of this mountain we're looking out to "fields ripe for harvest" and we're just workers in those fields. Please pray for us on our journey.

There were a couple of other mountaintops reached this week. My friend, Ahthony, our web developer who supports my office, is at the Grand Canyon and sent these magnificent pictures yesterday. Then, this morning I read my daughter's blog that takes you on her trip this week to the top of Mount Saini. I was so proud this morning and so touched that they read from the bible at the top of that famous mountain that I cried and cried. Don't know why really but it was pure joy and humility and thankfulness for God's blessings to my family. You can read her blog if you click on "Kacey's Blog" over to your right on this page. It's unbelievable that she's 21 and already has seen so much and learned so much of life. Of course, I'm a proud parent...as she says, not gonna lie.

I hope that you'll be inspired by these pictures and let me know when you reach some peaks in your life too. Life's full of peaks and valleys, just have to pray for more peaks!


1 comment:

Carole Foret said...

Tina--yes! We have so many awesome mountaintop experiences when we trust and let God lead us. Geez! The mountains of Copperhill TN were great, doing God's work for impoverished people. It was awesome for me and our youth. I'm thrilled for our new CD to spread the kingdom too. We are so blessed...praise God!