Showing posts with label Alabama painter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alabama painter. Show all posts

Mar 28, 2015

Mark Your Calendars - April 24th

Finally, it's SPRING!  Yay!  A little chilly today after 70's and 80's but at least it's promising.

Also FINALLY, we have an opening date and I'M IN at High Cotton Art's Center...(the former W. E. Estes building in downtown Athens) I will be moving in this week...April 1st. Our grand opening to the public will be April 24th.  Mark your calendar now.  More info will follow as we near that date.  I hope to see all of you then.

Meanwhile I've been working on things to have on display there and racking my brain on how to decorate my space. Here's a start on how the front window display will look.

As you can see from the photo, we have wire surrounding our spaces which is great for hanging things but I'd like a solid background that will let the air through.  I've thought of a couple of things but would love your ideas. (Burlap is out due to allergies)  Whadya think? More photos and info here under "High Cotton Arts".

There are 10 artist studio spaces and 8 of the 10 are spoken for already I understand.  We will have a variety of hand made items on display in our studios/spaces as well as the gallery space and windows.  There is opportunity to display work in the gallery if you are not ready for a space just yet, for a small monthly fee.   We will also have class room space so look forward to class offerings. Join our Facebook page "Athens Art League" to keep up with what's going on.

I have been asked to be on the Executive Committee for the Art League and am excited to be a part of that too.  It's going to get real exciting starting April 1! We will initially be open to the public each Friday and Saturday from 12:00 to 6:00 p.m. Other times we will have quiet time to work in our studios.

This is a dream coming true for me and all of us on the Arts League.  It's also a great happening for Athens and I so appreciate all of the work of those who have been a part of the Athens Arts League and the Spirit of Athens for years.  They've done great work.

I can't wait to get in there and get set to see what else springs forth on my artistic journey.  Please forward this post, my blog ( and website ( to others who may be interested and ask them to join my e-mail list from the web site and hang with me!  I'll try to blog once a week in the future. Let me know what kinds of things you'd like to see on my posts. I'd love your feedback!

Be well!



Mar 13, 2011

Lady Di...Oil on Canvas 18" x 22"

What a beauty she was.  Tragedy that we lost her.  With the royal wedding coming up I thought of her and wanted to add her to my portfolio.  Prints available on under my site shortly. 

Apr 9, 2010

Lexi - Mom cried

At last I finished the big oil portrait I've been working on for a couple of months.  It's 30" x 36" oil on canvas.  I was working from a low resolution digital picture which made it very difficult to see the details.  That's ok, I just used a little artistic freedom!  I received a note from the person who commissioned the painting for his wife....she had tears, which he said was very unusual for her.  I was so thrilled that she loved the painting!  I believe she actually took the photo of Lexi on the beach and I was struck by the colors in the dress as well as the seagull and his shadow...not to mention the water.  Such a joy to paint. 
Looking forward to the next "Coffee, Tea, and Painting Therapy" session on April 24th.  Still looking for what I want us to paint.  Any ideas?