We went to Birmingham last night to see Bruce Cockburn and Ricky Lee Jones at the City Stages festival. Sorry Ricky Lee, you just didn't make the cut for me BUT Bruce Cockburn is a brilliant writer and genious guitarist. I've never seen better. Bill's been loving his work for years and now I understand. You have to see him by himself with his guitar. He can make it sound like there are at least 3 people playing. I thoroughly enjoyed that. I also got to know Mark Hamilton and his sweet wife Elizabeth and their two children, Sara Beth and Tanner. They had made dinner and invited us to join them when we stopped by their house on the way to City Stages. Mark was the lead singer for a band called "50 Pound Head" back a few years ago and recorded with Johnny Sandlin at Duck Tape where "Sister Grace" is recording now. I got to hear some tracks from their CD and he has a great voice! Here's a pic of he and Bill as we were hanging out at the VIP area.
More later!
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