Jun 17, 2007

Our Baby's in Egypt!!

We are so blessed with our daughter Kacey and, of course, are proud parents. She has been in Cairo for 2 weeks and will be there for another 4 weeks. She's studying at the American University of Cairo for her study abroad term this summer. She attends Birmingham Southern College and is majoring in International Studies. Check out the link (see the links to the right) to her blog that she's updating daily while she's there. We will be going there to visit her in a few weeks. Can't wait! Keep blogging Kace! We miss you here in Alabama!


Jun 16, 2007

Back At Duck Tape

Today I had a great day in Duck Tape studio with my sisters from our group "Sister Grace". We're almost done with our CD and I'm so excited that one day soon we will have it all packaged and ready to go. I'm so thankful for my group and the opportunity to do this. Love my sisters! My birthday present was a NEW CAMERA!!!!...(re: the post below where I lost my old one about 6 months ago on our kyak trip). I'm hoping to keep everyone up to date with our adventures now that I finally have a camera again. Be sure to sign up using the icon in the top right and get an e-mail when there's a new post.
Happy Father's Day to all the guys!


We went to Birmingham last night to see Bruce Cockburn and Ricky Lee Jones at the City Stages festival. Sorry Ricky Lee, you just didn't make the cut for me BUT Bruce Cockburn is a brilliant writer and genious guitarist. I've never seen better. Bill's been loving his work for years and now I understand. You have to see him by himself with his guitar. He can make it sound like there are at least 3 people playing. I thoroughly enjoyed that. I also got to know Mark Hamilton and his sweet wife Elizabeth and their two children, Sara Beth and Tanner. They had made dinner and invited us to join them when we stopped by their house on the way to City Stages. Mark was the lead singer for a band called "50 Pound Head" back a few years ago and recorded with Johnny Sandlin at Duck Tape where "Sister Grace" is recording now. I got to hear some tracks from their CD and he has a great voice! Here's a pic of he and Bill as we were hanging out at the VIP area.

More later!

New Camera! Finally!

Yea!!!! Happy Birthday to me. I'm ready to roll again!


May 10, 2007

The VP NewsFlash

At my office we're working on a quarterly newsletter that's really cool! I'm testing a way of polling folks to see what they think of it. If you don't work in my group you probably won't have any clue about this so please, bear with me while we play around with this poll. If you want to take it just to help us test that would be great too. Take the poll below...

Feb 6, 2007

In the studio tomorrow!

SISTER GRACE (check out our blog at www.sistergrace.blogspot.com) will be recording with some of those famous musicians from Muscle Shoals at Ducktape Studio in Decatur, AL with Johnny Sandlin producing. (Check out Johnny's bio @ http://www.johnnysandlin.com ) ....We start laying down rhythm tracks on four original songs tomorrow! We decided to jump off this cliff and see how it goes...faith! It's going to be fun! More later 'bout that! Our first 4 songs are "Love Flows Free", "All Day", "Home Again", and "Your Love Never Fails". I'll keep you posted!

Feb 2, 2007

Sunset at St. George Island

This is a beautiful sunset we caught at St. George Island on our first Kayak adventure at the end of last summer. We tried a two person boat and decided we'd get two next time...of course I was just learning but we tended to row in opposite directions. We got pretty good at it eventually after spinning a few times. Ha! It was kindof cozy though...and Bill could row while I took pictures. I wouldn't advise taking a camera on these little excursions however...see my previous post ...I'm still mourning the loss of my camera. I'll get one soon!