Jan 27, 2008

Workshop Fun!

Yesterday I held a beginner's workshop in my home for 3 of my friends...well, one was a true beginner, the other two have had a little experience. It was sort of an experiment for me in how well I like teaching. I think I like it. Seeing others get inspired about painting is such a thrill. Getting over the fear of trying it is the biggest hurdle. After that you just let go and let it happen. We had a lot of fun and I hope they learned something. I do every time I paint one. Let me know if you'd like to try it. I may plan another one soon. Here's some photo's and the painting that I did as the demo.

This painting is available for purchase through Pay Pal...just click below.
18"x 18" acrylic on Canvas
$50 + $20 shipping & handling

Jan 16, 2008

Carole Foret Style!

Well, whatdya think? Wow, I'm so
excited with some new techniques Carole Foret taught me last night at her "9 to 5er" workshop. I'm going to be off on a whole new painting journey now. I'm running late for work, have to go by the cleaners and the bank and get to work by 8:00...meeting at 9...yep, nine to fiver alright! Gotta go but I just couldn't wait to show off my new painting.
So much fun! Thanks so much Carole for a great night meeting some of your students and learning how you do it all! I loved it!

If you're interested in buying this painting it is available for purchase.

$75 plus $20 shipping & handling Acrylic on canvas 18" x 18

Jan 13, 2008

Upper Elk River Trip

Nothing like a Kayak trip down the upper Elk River on an early winter afternoon. I snapped the photo that this painting was painted from just before Bill flipped over and froze himself in the chilly waters. Ohhhh, that water was cold...bless his heart. I may do a little tweaking on this one but it's 24" x 36" oil on canvas. Let me know what you think!

This painting is available for purchase through Pay Pal...just click below.
24"x 36" oil on Canvas with frame $200

Dec 28, 2007

Artistic Domesticity

I'm so excited with my new French Easel...I guess that was a Christmas present to myself. Found a good bargain yesterday at Alabama Art Supply. Had to have it. I tried it out in the kitchen today as I was trying out a Gumbo recipe I got from my Sister Grace Sister, Carole Foret. She's always inspiring me. This time it was her mother's recipe and she made this cute little book using IPhoto on the mac where she documented making the Roux (pronounced Roo) with her mother and her sisters. Now wasn't that a neat idea! I guess that will be my next project...been wanting to write a book! Anyway, here's some photo's from my day in the kitchen being domestic and artistic. Good combination!

6"x6" Canvas board $30 plus $5 shipping

Dec 26, 2007

Tabby Painting

Here's the latest. Shot this photo of my brother's cat sitting in the window a few months ago and loved the way the light hit him.

8x10 oil on canvas board $30 plus $5 Shipping

Dec 25, 2007

Divine Nobodies - Great book!

If you have to do something earthshaking in life to gain God's approval or be somebody famous, why would Jesus have been born in a manger? Why would the most profound miracles that we experience be those that pop up in normal every day life through the loving acts of strangers we meet every day? These are the kinds of questions posed by Jim Palmer in his book "Divine Nobodies" that was a gift to me from my sweet niece, Marla Delong of Knoxville. Jim found, on his spiritual journey, that he was putting so much energy into trying to do something great to please God (and others), he was missing the whole point of letting the Spirit live in his heart everyday and guide his actions. You have to read the book, he says it so much better than I can! It was so perfect for a Christmas read!


Dec 21, 2007

Watch the sky on Christmas Eve!!

My friend Dauna is quite a writer in my humble opinion! She supports our Science and Mission Systems Office as a writer (same office I support as a Program Specialist/Lead Admin Officer) and is also a fellow songwriter. She works right down the hall from me and is a really neat person. I'm so impressed with her writing. She makes science interesting, understandable (for us non-engineers) and fun. Please take a few minutes to read about the beautiful sky we will be blessed with on Christmas Eve. Get out your telescope! You may just see Santa while you're at it (wink)!