Apr 17, 2010

On Writing....

In 2007 I jumped off a cliff and decided to do a CD of some original songs.  Along came Sister Grace and a flurry of exciting things for us.  We've been sort of on stand by due to some events in our lives and I'm missing those days.  I'm wanting to dig out my guitar and get off on a tree stump somewhere and  howl!  I was reading a blog by Sara Beth Fair earlier this morning and was so inspired.  She's not only a gifted artist but an excellent and inspired writer.  It made me think of the time that I was heavily into writing for our CD and how close I felt to God during those days.  Some of the words that came were definitely gifts from Him and I felt inspired this morning to post this one...  thanks to my dear friend Whit who helped me bring this one to life, we need to do some more writing...
I Keep Calling Out Your Name 
Hello it's me again
I hope you’re listening today 
I've tried to talk to you before and you've ignored me
But I keep coming back anyway 
Seems like I would give up
But I'm you’re God and I am offering my love

I keep calling out your name
In your joy and in your pain 
All I ask is that you call back to me

I’ve always been your friend
I know the treasures in your heart
The stories gathered there 
And I've prepared some things 
That you've not seen so far 
Walk with me and believe 
And we’ll solve some mysteries
You know I am the source

I keep calling out your name
In your joy and in your pain 
All I ask is that you call back to me

I see you try and make it on your own
Saying you don’t need Me
But wouldn’t you feel better in My arms 
All it takes is you believing 

I keep calling out your name
In your joy and in your pain 
All I ask is that you call back to me

Tina Murrah Swindell Whitney Hubbs ©3/07

Apr 9, 2010

Lexi - Mom cried

At last I finished the big oil portrait I've been working on for a couple of months.  It's 30" x 36" oil on canvas.  I was working from a low resolution digital picture which made it very difficult to see the details.  That's ok, I just used a little artistic freedom!  I received a note from the person who commissioned the painting for his wife....she had tears, which he said was very unusual for her.  I was so thrilled that she loved the painting!  I believe she actually took the photo of Lexi on the beach and I was struck by the colors in the dress as well as the seagull and his shadow...not to mention the water.  Such a joy to paint. 
Looking forward to the next "Coffee, Tea, and Painting Therapy" session on April 24th.  Still looking for what I want us to paint.  Any ideas?

Apr 1, 2010

Save the date! The Valley Cats will be at Panoply Sunday, April 25th 2:45

Hope to see you in Huntsville on April 25th.  Our band will be performing on Sunday afternoon at 2:45, April 25th.  Hopefully it will be a great time to get out and enjoy some fine art, food and music.  Mark your calendars!

Mar 27, 2010

Slideshow of Today's Painting Class

Today was such a beautiful day!  We had a wonderful breakfast at Robye Andrews new home and embellished our somewhat plain photo model into something beautiful!  Sorry if you missed it!  Enjoy!

Mar 17, 2010

The Simple Way of Love

My sweet niece Marla Delong has written a beautiful book that is a must have.  Her quotations are so well written and the depth amazed me. I'm so proud of the way God is using her and her dedication to serving him.  The site is under construction but you will be able to order soon using PayPal.  Meanwhile, e-mail me at tinaS@pclnet.net and let me know if you'd like a copy.  They are $25 each.

Do you honestly believe that you are loved?

This simple little book is a warm, grace-filled, thought-provoking invitation to taste and discover what it means to live deeply loved in a relationship with God.

Read it in twenty minutes, but be changed for a lifetime.

“The Simple Way of Love” is a visual parable of what it means to dwell in grace. The dialogue between art and words will take you on a journey to the inward places of your heart that will challenge your innermost beliefs and help you discover the secret that can deeply transform your life.
The Simple Way of Love

Mar 13, 2010

Check out "Click Chick!" and the Valley Cats

My sweet friend Stephanie Fenton (also my sister in "Sister Grace")has started a new blog called "Click Chick!" and she is taking some excellent photos these days! She had some most unusual and interesting characters to photograph last night!  Well, it is true!  She has posted some photos of "The Valley Cats" from our photo/video shoot last night.  Check out her blog but please, continue on to some of the other things she's been posting and check out some of the links from there.  Special thanks to Steph, Deon Hargrove from Railroad Bazaar, and Tom "Sound Doc" Macgruder for using their special skills to make us look good last night!  Well, they did the best they could!  We'll be posting the video when it's ready. 

Mar 6, 2010

Who would have thought....

When I was about 5 years old I discovered this picture of my entire family other than me.  I remember Mama was at the kitchen counter, probably rolling out the dough for some of those daily home made biscuits we grew up on. I can clearly remember standing there just barely tall enough to see over the kitchen table and staring at that picture for a long time.  Then, the moment I became so upset at not being in that picture and ripped it in half.  My mother couldn't believe that little temper (which would later get me into lots of trouble). I guess I hadn't figured out yet that when the picture was made that family of brothers didn't know they were going to have a little sister come along.  Well, who would have believed it would wind up blown up on a huge screen at the Country Music Hall of Fame in Nashville today when my brother, Roger Murrah, was honored in an interview as a legendary songwriter in the Hall of Fame's "Poet and Prophet" series.  I went through lots of emotions and memories listening to the words of his songs and to him talk about his life, his songs and the journey that brought him to this well deserved place of honor.  I'm very proud of my brother.  Songwriting and the success he's had is not something that happens over night.  He's spent countless hours honing the art and craft of writing and struggled through many years to see that dream come true.  He's been a huge influence in my life and I'm so thankful to have shared an ounce or two of the success he's had and to have been a part of that history he talked about today.  Way to go bro!  Keep a-kickin'!