Nov 20, 2009

Register for "Coffee, Tea & Paint Therapy"

Register at the top right of my blog and we'll paint this scene in our January 9th "Coffee, Tea and Paint Therapy session. Every second Saturday of the month!  

Sep 19, 2009

Latest Portrait - Elizabeth

Here's pretty little Elizabeth that I just finished. I took the sunflowers from another photo and added the fence as a backdrop. She was such a joy to paint. I learn more each time I paint a portrait. I truly learned my lesson this time about measuring prior to starting and sketching to assure that the eyes, nose, mouth are in the right spot. I've started a new portrait of two little girls and I'll post those soon. Please sign up to be notified of my posts and I'd love to hear your comments!

Jul 19, 2009

Thank God Dreams Survive

In honor of the 40th anniversary of the moon landing I'm posting our song "Thank God Dreams Survive" on our website and hope that you'll go out and listen and honor those who've dedicated their lives to the space program. NASA is a positive force in an otherwise mixed up world. I'm proud of all we've done and continue to do that helps mankind the world over. Join us tomorrow at the U. S. Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville for our moon landing celebration. My band "The Valley Cats" will be performing from 1:00 to 5:oo. I'm very proud to be a NASA Girl!

Jun 10, 2009

The Latest From My Easel

Check out the latest few paintings I've done and let me know what you think! Crazy mixture but someone wanted a Sundrop, someone wanted a dancer for a child's room and then I was inspired by a painting I saw in a window a few years ago and found out it's by a Russian artist. I have wanted to try a different style and it turned out sort of interesting. If anyone is interested in any of these or something similar give me a call. 256-497-3838.

May 22, 2009

Davis Family

Here's an oil paintin that I finished recently as a wedding gift. 36" x 36" oil on canvas.
Call me at 497-3838 if you're interested in a commissioned painting.

Apr 12, 2009

Easter Sunday

I decided to try painting Jesus today. Couldn't let Carole & Claire post theirs without seeing what would happen if I tried. He developed on the canvas as I watched. I'm so thankful that HE LIVES!

Jan 11, 2009

Yea! My client came to pick up her portrait and was very pleased. I'm so happy that she liked it! This is an oil portrait on 20" x 24" canvas. I've worked on it on and off for about 6 months. I hope it's one that she will treasure. I feel that I did capture the sweet spirit of these two young boys. They were a delight to full of energy but so well mannered.
Looking forward to my next portrait challenge! (Below you can see the photograph that I painted from.)

Dec 27, 2008

Rooster Swirl

I just painted my kitchen red and needed something to hang over my stove. Here's my first shot. I called it "Rooster Swirl" and it's acrylic on 16" x 20" stretched canvas.

I like it but also have another idea in mind.....later.

What do you think?

Nov 11, 2008


How 'bout this sweet little black cap capuchan monkey?  I pulled an old photo I snapped of her this morning and decided to paint her.  Her name is Lilly and she belongs to a friend.  I also wanted to paint the beautiful fall leaves so this is a combination of the two.  The scene is out my back door.  Let me know what you think!  This is acrylic on 18" x 18" stretched canvas.  The original as well as prints are available for purchase.  Contact me for details.  I'll post the portrait of the Hudson boys when the owners have seen it.  I'm finally done with that one!! Yea!


Aug 3, 2008

Everything's Coming Up Roses

Yes, I love roses. I've been looking for something to paint for my living room for a while now and this was actually painted from a picture on a beautiful gift bag. It's 36" x 48" acrylic on canvas . If anyone is interested in a Giclee print (which looks almost like an original) just let me know. Life is not always "a bed of roses" but when I look at others lives and compare my own I know that I have been so very blessed. Most of the time everything comes up roses thanks to all of the love in my life.

Jul 17, 2008

Hudson Boys

Check out these sweet little boys that I'll be doing a portrait of.  We're trying to decide which photo to go from. Which one do you think? I have narrowed down to these 3. Probably won't use the one where they're grinning on the steps but I thought it was a cute photo. They were so exceptionally well mannered and calm during the photo shoot. They were anxious to shoot some was around the 4th.  I went to their beautiful home for the shoot and their Mom, Paula Hudson, was patient and gracious.  Can't wait to get started on the portrait!  I'll post a photo of it when I'm done...may be a while.
More later....

Jul 10, 2008

Let's Go!

I haven't posted in a few days...been doing some negative self-talk and I've just decided to let that go and dig back in.  I'm painting, booking band gigs, plotting and planning and ready to move on with things.  Just purchased a website template and will be launching my website soon.  I'll let you know when it's ready.  I'm excited and have a lot to figure out but I'm ON IT!
Here's a really good article that I was "Led" to today that just might inspire you too. Thank you Redbook and Kathy here for her inspiring article.
Let's go!


Jun 27, 2008

Happy Trees

30" x 48" oil on canvas

This painting was taken from a sunset photo I snapped at the Grand Canyon a couple of years ago. Added a little interest with the "Happy Trees" as my husband called it, using a secret technique I learned from a Savannah painter. Let me know what you think.


Jun 21, 2008

Kacey's Tea

A few weeks ago we celebrated our daughter's college graduation with a tea in our back yard given by our sweet friends/relatives, Sandra, Camilla, Whitney, Jennifer, Robye and Bree.  Thanks so much for the wonderful memories!  I just had to share!

Jun 6, 2008

The Latest

            From A Distance......36" x 48" Oil on Canvas
Here's a couple of new things off my easel.  Couldn't stop singing "From A Distance" while I was painting this.  Started out experimenting with Pointillism and sort of ended up with Impressionism.  This is not exactly what I meant to do but then it never ends up being what I start out to do.  Does everybody know the words to "From A Distance"?  My favorite part is

 "From a distance we all have enough and no one is in need.  There are no guns, no wars, and no disease, no hungry mouths to feed.  From a distance we are instruments marching in a common band.  Singing songs of hope, singing songs of peace, they're the songs of every man.  God is watching us, God is watching us, God is watching us from a distance"

....I love the Bette Midler version.  Beautiful song.  Says so much.  

Don't ask how I came up with this next's a strange bird that sort of "happened" when I was experimenting with painting tears.  I was just letting things flow (melancholy week) and they developed sort of wing like things and then I decided to add the blue...I was really just trying to do an abstract for Kacey's new apartment using the colors she wanted.  Does one of the "things" seem to have a face?  Strange, don't know how that happened.  It's called "Nature Cries" or "New Life"...can't decide.  What do you think?  The photo doesn't exactly capture it's 24" x 48" acrylic on canvas.

Back to the drawing board....

Be sure to sign up in the top right corner so I can keep you posted.



May 4, 2008

Sunday Bliss

                                                           24" x 36" acrylic on canvas
I've had such a good weekend between the great weather, a sweet visit with my niece yesterday and a fabulous concert by Mandisa, steaks at Outback with my friend Whit, excellent worship service this morning led by my good friends Jonathan and Greg Young, Buddy Carter, and Mike Cole (who once again did my song...Wayfaring Stranger...gotta learn that).  So, I got home and celebrated with this crazy abstract I whipped up.  Decided to name it "Sunday Bliss"....thought that was better than "Curley Q's" which was the first thing that came to mind.  We'll see if the kiddo likes this for her room!  If not, I guess it'll be up for bids.  Gotta get rested up for the week!
Have a good one!

May 1, 2008

Note Cards Available - "Contemplation"

Note Cards - 3 1/2" x 5", blank inside, packages of 10 with envelopes

My friend, Gail, suggested that the painting below (which is now hanging in Bree Davis's beautiful new bedroom in the sweet home she just built) would make some nice note cards....SO... I got busy and ordered some and they're here!  I'm so excited to be offering my first note cards and hope to have more later from other paintings.  They are available for purchase in nice little packages of 10,   3 1/2" by 5" blank note cards with envelopes.  Packaging is acid free and archival.  See me to purchase them or place an order using Pay's free to sign up and you can safely use your credit card.  Just click on the Pay Pal button below.
These would make great little hostess gifts to have on hand... or you may just want to use them yourself!  

Thanks to everyone who suggested titles for this painting.  I did finally settle on "CONTEMPLATION" which was suggested by Sandra Arnold.  I'll leave it to your imagination what she's "contemplating". 

Let me know what you think of the card idea!  Good one?  Other ideas? I love feedback!

More later!

$10 + $1 shipping for each package 

Apr 14, 2008

Roxanne - A Fine Life - Bree's Bedroom - You tell me!

Lots of things have gone on since I started this painting a couple of weeks ago.  As some of you know I just lost my sweet brother Glen who has fought cancer for over 10 years.  I will miss him so.  It was really hard seeing him suffer.  I'm glad he's at peace now. We buried him on Tuesday of last week.  Over the weekend I've been nursing a stray cat who tried to have babies but was just too young I guess.  She had surgery tonight and we're hoping she will live though her kittens didn't. We're not sure she will make it at this point. Life brings many trials sometimes.  You just have to keep kicking and find joy where ever you can.  Through it all I keep going back to the canvas.  Somehow there's peace there for me.  This painting is for my friend Bree's bedroom in the new house she just built.  Can't decide what to call it.  What do you think?  (24" x 36" acrylic on canvas)

Mar 9, 2008

KC Meets the Gov

See that little Chickadee on the back row just to the right of the governor? That's my little Leadership & International Studies major, Kacey Rebecca Swindell pursuing her political career. She organized the first ever student delegation from Birmingham Southern and they just trekked on down to meet the Governor recently and have a gathering in Montgomery with delegations from some other Alabama colleges. I hear there were some competitions...they won them all! Nah, me proud! Nah. : ) Ain't she somethin! Yeah, dat's my girl!

Mar 4, 2008

Never A Dull Moment!

Check out the big time we had at the Roller Derby with the offspring! Yeah, we're up for just about anything I guess. Now we talkin' attitude honey! Dees girls mean biness! Kacey had been once before and thought Bill and I and a couple of friends should experience this little nitch of life. Ok, I've been there and done that....very some colorful pics...

Feb 20, 2008

Celebration Shrimp

Well, this little arrangement caught my eye when I looked through some photographs that my friend Robye Andrews took at an Anniversary celebration given by another good friend, Adonna Mitchell. The lighting was just right and I know the photo will be in some food magazine soon! I may touch up a bit but this is what I've been working on the last two nights.
Let me know what you think!

Find joy today!

Available for purchase
5" x 8" acrylic on canvas $75

Jan 27, 2008

Workshop Fun!

Yesterday I held a beginner's workshop in my home for 3 of my friends...well, one was a true beginner, the other two have had a little experience. It was sort of an experiment for me in how well I like teaching. I think I like it. Seeing others get inspired about painting is such a thrill. Getting over the fear of trying it is the biggest hurdle. After that you just let go and let it happen. We had a lot of fun and I hope they learned something. I do every time I paint one. Let me know if you'd like to try it. I may plan another one soon. Here's some photo's and the painting that I did as the demo.

This painting is available for purchase through Pay Pal...just click below.
18"x 18" acrylic on Canvas
$50 + $20 shipping & handling

Jan 16, 2008

Carole Foret Style!

Well, whatdya think? Wow, I'm so
excited with some new techniques Carole Foret taught me last night at her "9 to 5er" workshop. I'm going to be off on a whole new painting journey now. I'm running late for work, have to go by the cleaners and the bank and get to work by 8:00...meeting at 9...yep, nine to fiver alright! Gotta go but I just couldn't wait to show off my new painting.
So much fun! Thanks so much Carole for a great night meeting some of your students and learning how you do it all! I loved it!

If you're interested in buying this painting it is available for purchase.

$75 plus $20 shipping & handling Acrylic on canvas 18" x 18

Jan 13, 2008

Upper Elk River Trip

Nothing like a Kayak trip down the upper Elk River on an early winter afternoon. I snapped the photo that this painting was painted from just before Bill flipped over and froze himself in the chilly waters. Ohhhh, that water was cold...bless his heart. I may do a little tweaking on this one but it's 24" x 36" oil on canvas. Let me know what you think!

This painting is available for purchase through Pay Pal...just click below.
24"x 36" oil on Canvas with frame $200